Friday, June 3, 2011

Executive Decision = no changes

I signed into my blog today with the full intention of completely revamping it. The hubby always makes fun of my title anyway. Also, I've noticed that there are a lot more options to customize through blogger now, including customized URLs...I always hated that they just kinda handed one to me... So, Executive Decision = revamp blog.

First matter of business...custom URL. Easy enough (check).

Second matter of title. Not as easy... I got nothing, so I start googling quotes, song lyrics, book titles...anything that'll help me think. Nothing. Executive Decision = keep current title with change later option.

Third matter of layout. So...I go through some of the blogger templates. I'm not good at trying to fit pages into a template...that was my problem with MySpace, I changed the background once a week because I couldn't find one that fit...but that's a different story.

I look through a couple of websites, no go. So, I start tinkering around with my own HTML. I apply different ideas and realize that I don't like any of them near as well as I like my own. Executive decision = keep current background.

I changed little things within the HTML codes like text colors and fonts to at least make myself think that I've freshened it up...that counts!

Meeting wrap up: either I'm just not creative tonight or I got it all right the first time... Executive Decision: go with the 'got it right the first time' option and run with it :-)

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