Saturday, July 9, 2011

Traumatized by a Vet Tech

Recently, Zeus (our big black boy) had to go to the vet for his 3 year old appointment.  Somehow, our 2 dogs got on different schedules with the vet...Zeus's check-up was this month but his rabies shot wasn't due until October, but Zax's rabies shot was due now but his check-up wasn't due until October.  Our boys can be a handful together, and I remember we brought them separately last year...but I'm still confused.  Paul was off work, so we brought them together for Zeus's appointment to get everything over with.

Zax has had a growth on his paw since last October, the vet quoted us $60 to remove it, but said that it was just  a mole and didn't have to be removed.  Since October, Zax's attitude has changed a little (he's become a little less patient with us).  He was also starting to act like the mole bothered him, he wouldn't let us touch it or get close enough to look at it.  So, we decided that we would talk to our vet about removing it.  While we were at the vet this month, he stated that he could remove it that day, but Zax would have to stay until later in the afternoon.

Now, usually, we love our vet.  But this visit was a little traumatic.  The vet tech stuck Zeus 4 times with the needle to get blood work...the last time moving the needle while it was in his arm.  Zeus has a high threshold for pain...but the bear was squirming in Paul's grasp crying at this point.  I'm thinking....'would I sound crazy if I asked her to stop and get the vet??'  Just then, she gets the blood and it's over.  Zeus is cowering in the corner...but it's over.

Not yet....they always clip the boys' nails when we go.  The same vet tech cut through Zax's quick...twice...

When Paul went to pick up Zax, he came home with an $80 bill and no instructions...I had to make a call to the vet to straighten everything out...$30 back and the stitches will dissolve...geez

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