Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eternal bowling...

So...the hubz signed up for a league-type bowling thing to get a bowling ball.  It was every Tuesday night for 4 weeks, and of course, I went with him...  At the end of such league-type thing, information came out for a new LONGER league-type thing...10 weeks.  Since I figured I was going to go every week anyways, I decided to also sign up for the league-type thing...

I don't have a 10 week attention span...

Even worse, the hubz continually wants to bowl between Tuesdays...as if one night a week isn't enough.

It's fun and all, but we've been going FOREVER...I don't remember which week we're on, but I don't think it matters...because I have this sneaking suspicion that it is NEVER going to end.

I mean, this league will be finished at the end of the 10 weeks...but then what? I'll tell you then what...another league, that's what.  Is this going to become a staple once a week in our lives forever?  Yes, it will...because at the end of this league, we'll both have a ball, bag, and shoes...which pretty much ensures that we are going to want to use them.  When I'm absolutely sick of bowling at the end of the league, I'll get shiny new stuff that'll make me excited for bowling again...triggering me to sign up for another league...then, I'll be 4-5 weeks into the next league feeling the same way I do now...absolutely sick of bowling...

Does this sound incredibly like street style drug-pushing to anyone else???

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