We own 3 cars. My husband purchased a Sunfire before we were married and bought a Firebird a couple of years ago. I have the same ole Mustang that I had in high school. Today, the Firebird is unsafe and unreliable in the yard with multiple fluid leaks, the Sunfire is at the mechanic awaiting a computer transplant, and as of yesterday...my car is also laid up at the dear mechanic's...
This is how it started...
My husband was going to be home a couple of hours before me, so instead of going home; he went to a friend's. For some reason, the hubby doesn't like just hanging at the house?? He calls me on his way home and says 'we've been invited out tomorrow'. These are strictly the hubby's friends...so 'invited out' means that Paul has been invited and wants me to go. Paul has no spine with these particular friends and often uses me as an excuse...on the phone he tells me not to worry, we won't stay the whole time...he told them I had something else to do in the afternoon...
Oh yeah...the adventure...we'd been invited to go out in the middle of nowhere and dig rocks...that's right, dig rocks. It was kinda fun. I was over it in the first hour...but that hour was fun. I couldn't find the rock I wanted, so Paul bought me one :)
He also got this rock that was a geo and the rock guy broke it open for him...that was cool.
So, we're on the way out of the parking space and...POP POP
One quarter of my car is resting on the pavement. There is a straight line of pavement from the road to the mountain and my car is now stuck diaganolly in the road...yay
The tow truck has to BACK UP the straight line of pavement to get my car and take it to Mr. Mechanic. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a relationship with my car (who wouldn't after 12 years)...it was a very emotional day. Paul was great and friends were great, but its still a nightmare...
Now thinking back on it...I can see some problems with our mountain trip...
It wasn't actually a mountain, but the top nub of a once mountain...false advertisement...
It was almost impossible to find...clear sign to go home...
Paul fell into sulfar quicksand and ruined a pair of shoes and socks...DANGER...
Oh well...better luck next time :-/
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