I'm walking back inside my house from playing with the cats and a huge bug slams into the side of my face... I'm a little grossed out, but I think it's the last time I'll see this bug... not true!!!
I go inside, make a glass of water, and play with the pups. I go into the bathroom to start to get ready for the hubby's birthday dinner. I happen to look the right (or wrong) way in the mirror, and... OH MY GOD... big huge bug on my shoulder!!!
It had been there the whole time!! This thing was the size of my foot!! I tried to flick it off, and I feel it scratch against my shoulder trying to hold on to me... what??? No no no, you have to get off, this is not an option.
I pick it off and throw it away from me and it lands on my pink bathrobe hanging in the bathroom. I fly out of the bathroom and close the door. Then, I put towels under the door so the mega-bug can't escape. I call the hubby and tell him that there is a cat-sized bug in our house and I had it trapped in the bathroom. His response: 'why'd you let it in the house?'... DUDE!! The thing rode in on my shoulder unbeknownst to me!!! I would not have invited the thing onto my should for a free ride!!
So the hubby comes home to slay the mini-dragon that I have secured in our bathroom. He goes in while I wait in the bedroom. Do you know what he says?? 'Are you sure it was a bug because I don't see anything?'... Maybe you misunderstood...it was the size of our CAT!!! I had to pick it off me with my FINGERS and THROW it away from me. So I go in to look, it's nowhere!! The hubby is less concerned and ready to eat... I'm scared that the thing is going to eat through the towels and then consume the rest of our house!!
I find out why the hubby is less concerned on the way to dinner...he called it an 'imaginary' bug... what the crap??? I did NOT imagine it!! I would have imagined a mega-butterfly...not a mega-nasty!!!
We go on with the rest of our night and just don't go into the master bathroom again that night...until...
I hear the hubby get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Still a little steaming from the 'imaginary' comment... I'm secretly semi-hoping the mini-dragon lands on his thing while he's taking a leak... calm down, it doesn't!!
But...he does go back in with a piece of clothing, catch the bug, and take it outside!!!
HAHA... NOT imaginary!!! REAL!!!!
The End
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