1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Happy Easter
1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
we're NEVER getting home.....
My baby brother is 15...which means car shopping. My mom has looked at several cars...I've looked at several with her. She calls me this week and says that she has found one in Georgia somewhere and wants to go look at it Friday. Dad works until Sunday, so she asks me to go with her. Sure, I'll go....
'Good, it's a 3 hour drive'...ok...don't they have cars in Augusta?? Oh well....
It's Friday, I'm done with visits...and we're off...kinda...
My baby brother is like a 'special' monkey trained by a not-so-bright person when it comes to getting ready :/
First...he has to decide if he's going or not...'I don't wanna go', 'I'll go', '3 hours? I'm not going', 'I'm hungry', 'I'm going'...for goodness sake, can we pick a personality and just run with that one??
Second...the boy has to become presentable...'It is a shirt', 'But this undershirt is big enough and thick enough to just wear as a shirt', 'I don't have a shirt', 'Where's my shirt', 'Do I have shoes?'...oh good, the special monkey is on a scavenger hunt...
Third...we have to get there...
'Where do I go?'
'It says you go straight for 40 miles'
'Do I turn there?'
'How many miles have you gone?'
'Oh, I've only gone 3 miles'...
'Where do I go?'
'Straight for 40 miles'
'Oh, I've only gone 13 miles' :)
We get there!!!! We get in the car for a test drive...I notice that it's on empty, but no one else seems worried about this so I'm good. Then mom asks 'it's on empty...how much further can we go?' The guy's response????
'Well, if we run outta gas, we'll make someone bring us some. We drive cars on empty tanks all day long'
Really???? I'm here to tell you...cars WILL run outta gas...it's not just a cautionary tale, it DOES happen.
Mom takes the car all over the place...ending up on a side street in some little neighborhood. She asks the guy 'Where do I turn to go back to the dealership?' The guy's response????
'I reckon I'd go straight...I don't know these side roads, they all look the same to me'
Really???? Aren't YOU the local here?
We get back to the dealership. The car has a 'bump' when it turns...the mechanic looks at it and explains where the 'bump' is coming from. They bring the car down off the rack and we take it for another spin...after we get gas.
Mom decides to get the car...actually, it seemed that she had decided to not get the car...then sat in the dealer's office and signed all the paperwork to get the car. Mom asks for the title...the guy says they mail the title after the check has cleared...it's a REGISTERED CHECK...no clearing necessary.
Some guy walks through the office and asks if everything is ok, Mom states that she wants the title.......guy comes back with the title and hands it over.....well, looky there....someone knows what they're doing!
Not so fast....
Mom noticed that he didn't sign the title...she asks about it.....guy says 'We don't sign it over...the DMV does that'....
Really???? Because I'm pretty sure the DMV doesn't sign over cars....Mom's pretty sure too....but we trust them.....well, not really.....but we leave with the unsigned title.
We program home in GPS and set off....the GPS isn't taking us the way we came....we go down this road, and turn around....we go down that road, and turn around....we stop at a gas station, and turn around...
Mom is still uncomfortable about the title...we turn around one more time to go back to the dealership...
After MUCH explaining...someone FINALLY signs the title over...we leave again...
How does an ENTIRE car dealership NOT know how to sign over a title?? 'Well, I mean, I'll sign it if it'll make you feel better'...would it make her feel better if she actually owned the car she just paid for??????
With an exhausting ride home that included phrases like 'we're in commerce hell and we're never getting home', and 'you will not take a dump in your new car'...the adventure is done and the car is home.....
'Good, it's a 3 hour drive'...ok...don't they have cars in Augusta?? Oh well....
It's Friday, I'm done with visits...and we're off...kinda...
My baby brother is like a 'special' monkey trained by a not-so-bright person when it comes to getting ready :/
First...he has to decide if he's going or not...'I don't wanna go', 'I'll go', '3 hours? I'm not going', 'I'm hungry', 'I'm going'...for goodness sake, can we pick a personality and just run with that one??
Second...the boy has to become presentable...'It is a shirt', 'But this undershirt is big enough and thick enough to just wear as a shirt', 'I don't have a shirt', 'Where's my shirt', 'Do I have shoes?'...oh good, the special monkey is on a scavenger hunt...
Third...we have to get there...
'Where do I go?'
'It says you go straight for 40 miles'
'Do I turn there?'
'How many miles have you gone?'
'Oh, I've only gone 3 miles'...
'Where do I go?'
'Straight for 40 miles'
'Oh, I've only gone 13 miles' :)
We get there!!!! We get in the car for a test drive...I notice that it's on empty, but no one else seems worried about this so I'm good. Then mom asks 'it's on empty...how much further can we go?' The guy's response????
'Well, if we run outta gas, we'll make someone bring us some. We drive cars on empty tanks all day long'
Really???? I'm here to tell you...cars WILL run outta gas...it's not just a cautionary tale, it DOES happen.
Mom takes the car all over the place...ending up on a side street in some little neighborhood. She asks the guy 'Where do I turn to go back to the dealership?' The guy's response????
'I reckon I'd go straight...I don't know these side roads, they all look the same to me'
Really???? Aren't YOU the local here?
We get back to the dealership. The car has a 'bump' when it turns...the mechanic looks at it and explains where the 'bump' is coming from. They bring the car down off the rack and we take it for another spin...after we get gas.
Mom decides to get the car...actually, it seemed that she had decided to not get the car...then sat in the dealer's office and signed all the paperwork to get the car. Mom asks for the title...the guy says they mail the title after the check has cleared...it's a REGISTERED CHECK...no clearing necessary.
Some guy walks through the office and asks if everything is ok, Mom states that she wants the title.......guy comes back with the title and hands it over.....well, looky there....someone knows what they're doing!
Not so fast....
Mom noticed that he didn't sign the title...she asks about it.....guy says 'We don't sign it over...the DMV does that'....
Really???? Because I'm pretty sure the DMV doesn't sign over cars....Mom's pretty sure too....but we trust them.....well, not really.....but we leave with the unsigned title.
We program home in GPS and set off....the GPS isn't taking us the way we came....we go down this road, and turn around....we go down that road, and turn around....we stop at a gas station, and turn around...
Mom is still uncomfortable about the title...we turn around one more time to go back to the dealership...
After MUCH explaining...someone FINALLY signs the title over...we leave again...
How does an ENTIRE car dealership NOT know how to sign over a title?? 'Well, I mean, I'll sign it if it'll make you feel better'...would it make her feel better if she actually owned the car she just paid for??????
With an exhausting ride home that included phrases like 'we're in commerce hell and we're never getting home', and 'you will not take a dump in your new car'...the adventure is done and the car is home.....
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